Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rain ~ Rainism (Special Asian Edition)

Here are the new tracks added in Rain's latest album Rainism. Hope you like it!



(New Tracks only)

15 Rainism (Chinese Version)
16 Love Story [0912......After] (Chinese Version)
17 Rainism (English Version)
18 Love Story (English Version)
19 Rainism (Japanese Version)
20 Love Story (Japanese Version)

credits to asian melodies @ LJ


Lynn18 said...

Oh hi=].
i just came to ask about Rain's special edition CD.
The thing is, i went to ebay and tried looking for the same CD with Rain's special edition, unfortunately there was nothing available. Do u know where i could order them?
please reply.


tin2gg said...

I can suggest that you buy it through since they really do specialize in selling asian music internationally...but wait where do u live? they might be selling it in your local record stores...I bought mine at a record store I was surprised that they were selling it locally here.